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「日本リワインド 」JAPAN REWIND

「日本リワインド 」JAPAN REWIND


We all take many pictures and videos when we travel but never really use them. Recently, I've wanting to travel but due to COVID-19, waiting a little longer would be better. Since I can't travel and I have lots of old travel shots, I decided to make a video. Everyone wants to go back to the old times right? When we could travel and do lots of things. That's why I made this video in reverse. Hope you enjoy!



This pandemic has thrown into the air knocked many of us off our feet and left us suspended in uncertainty, leaving us in a daze. But as time went by, we’ve started to see ourselves slowly accelerating back towards a familiar world. The new normal is going back to just normal. Some of us are finding ourselves getting back to exactly where we picked off, others have drifted off into a new space. No matter where you find yourself, let’s get back on our feet and move forward.

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